Spend your summer at the Center for Theater of the Oppressed- CTO learning about their on-going projects in Rio de Janeiro.
Work directly with CTO’s “jokers”/educators, trained by Augusto Boal, and who today are developing the methodology in different social contexts. Theater of the Oppressed (T.O.) is a humanist methodology based on the belief that every human being is capable of making art.
It invites the activation of the public who become “spect-actors”, capable of taking action and using theater as a rehearsal space for social transformation. Theater of the Oppressed has been an important instrument in the fight against oppression, the mobilization of social resistance as well as the creation of new laws.
During the UCLA-CTO study abroad program, you will meet the Groups of Theater of the Oppressed (GTO’s) that work in various locations with a wide range of issues, like domestic workers fighting against sexism and for union worker’s rights (Marias do Brasil), mental health patients fighting against stigma and discrimination (Pirei na Cenna), black artist-activists fighting against racism (Cor do Brasil) and youth from favelas (slums) dealing with varying issues (T.O. na Maré).
During the program, participants will also partake in a T.O. intensive, having the opportunity to experiment with and apply the methodologies they are learning about.
This program is open to UC and non-UC students. For more information and to sign up visit http://ieo.ucla.edu/travelstudy/WAC-Rio.
To learn more about the Center for Theater of the Oppressed visit www.ctorio.org.br.