22 – 27 MARCH 2016
The My Body My Space Public Arts Festival, now in its second year, runs from the 22nd to 27th March 2016 in the scenic Emakhazeni Area of Mpumalanga.
The audience will first encounter a solo dance work at the Chazon Tekna Hall entitled, Limbs, choreographed by New York City-based Maria Bauman and performed by Marina Magalhães (Brazil/USA). The work debuted in Los Angeles (USA) in 2015 and delves into questions of nature, space and natural phenomena that is juxtaposed with an ugly history of racism and other ills. It looks at how these ills often permeate these spaces and how in some cases, such as with lynching, they have imposed themselves on nature. Magalhães says that her work strives to engage people in a way that moves them: for them to feel moved, to move their bodies, to move into collective action and to understand their role in the larger social movements of our time.